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 About me

At a young age, I gained an interest in birds and the natural world. With a home base of Arkansas, at the heart of the Mississippi Flyway, it was easy to get the ball rolling. By high school, my casual interest had snowballed into a frenzied passion. Binoculars and camera in hand, I could be found at a local park almost daily.


In undergrad, I had the opportunity to dive into the world of ecological research, piloting a study of the Northern Saw-whet Owl with a professor who became a life-changing mentor. The species had only been documented a handful of times in the state, but thanks to ongoing research efforts, it is now known to be a regular migrant and winter resident.


The excitement of discovering this elusive species in Arkansas--as well as  an internship at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary (PA) among leading raptor biologists--has led me down my current career path. Now, over a decade has passed since I first held binoculars and a camera. Currently a PhD student, continuing to study owls, I have less time to spend in the field photographing birds. Nevertheless, through photography, writing, and research, I seek to bring the wonder of birds and their natural habitats to everyone.

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